Get recognized for your source to sea adventure!
CRC acknowledges and honors all travelers who successfully complete the 410-mile Connecticut River. If you have completed your own source-to-sea journey, we want to hear from you! We will honor you with a listing on this web page, a certificate, and Source-to-Sea Paddler boat sticker to celebrate your achievement. Enjoy our featured stories in the boxes below.
Congratulations to all of our Source to Sea Adventurers!
Please review the list below to see who has made this incredible journey. Those who completed the Trail in one season are listed as “Through-Journey” paddlers. Those who completed the Trail in two or more seasons are called “Section-Journey” paddlers. Each person’s name is linked to their story or external blog. We hope you enjoy reading these stories and consider adding your own when you have completed the trail!

Wanda Kirker and Rick Bain (2022)
Mary Anderson (2022)
Gary Vollinger (2022)
Sarah and Scott Lancaster (2022)
Emily Nuckols (2021)
Ben Lynch (2021)
Mack Truax (2021)
Trey McPherson (2020)
Daniel Stevens (2020)
Cathleen (Mumford) Brennan (2019)
Andy Myers (2019)
Timothy Bertch and Mark Alexander (2018)
Ted & Ben Murray (2012)
Ed Terlik, Lenny Desrochers & Kenny Bihler (2005)
Nancy and Tom Condon (2002)
Ted Jones (1982)
Tim Brocket (1979)
Dr. Joseph and Madeleine Davidson (1959)
Bridget Macdonald and Justin Fermann (2015-2022)
Tim Walsh (2021-2022)
Lucy Eyre (2018-20222)
Susan and Peter Craig (2020-2021)
Tim Lewis (2017-2020)
Harvey Hill (2017-2019)
Andrew and Karen Fisk’s JUMP IN JOURNEY (2017)
Brian and Matthew Fogg (2011, 2015)
Jeff Feldmann, Scott Larkham, Scott Stenberg, Ron Merriam and a dog name Abe (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)
Parker Lord and Jim Poole (2007, 2008)
John Sinton, Elizabeth Farnsworth, Wendy Sinton (2005, 2006)
If you’d like to see YOUR name on this list, please start with the REGISTRY below, and then tell us your story!
Step 1:
Paddlers' Recognition Registry
Register here to see your name on this page and receive a certificate and boat sticker to honor your journey.
Step 2:
This is the fun part! Once you have completed the Registry (Step 1), you will receive a link that offers you a space to write about your journey. Describe some of the highlights and/or challenges of your trip. Include a photo or two!

Step 3:
Now’s your chance to share your feedback on the resources available and the elements of the trail that we have [some] control over. When you share your story, you’ll have the option to enter this information. We greatly appreciate your feedback!
Now’s your chance to share your feedback on the resources available and the elements of the trail that we have [some] control over. Please complete Steps 1 and 2 to gain access to this section.
CRC is pleased to partner with the many dedicated groups that comprise the
Connecticut River Paddlers’ Trail.