For many CRC members and friends, making a bequest to CRC is one of the easiest and most meaningful ways to make a gift. Through your Will or estate plan, you can designate CRC as a beneficiary of a portion of your estate, or to receive specific assets.
We have partnered with FreeWill: a free online tool that guides you through the process of creating or updating your will, and making a gift to CRC in 20 minutes. This is an effective way to build a legacy bringing people together to prevent pollution, improve habitat, and promote enjoyment of your river and its tributary streams.
Designating CRC as a beneficiary in your Will costs nothing now. Yet it will give you the pleasure and satisfaction of ensuring the continued safekeeping of our river for years and for future generations.
Bequests can be significant sources of funding. You will allow CRC to continue its stewardship of the river far into the future – a legacy that keeps on giving.
Your unrestricted bequest will be used where it is most needed to protect the river. If you are interested in restricting your gift, please discuss your interests with Brett Morrison. You may reach him at 413-772-2020, ext. 218 or by e-mail at
Please note: CRC maintains its legal name, Connecticut River Watershed Council, and all planned gifts must reference that legal name. Therefore, existing bequests or other planned gifts that list Connecticut River Watershed Council are correct, and need not be revised.
Please let us know about your legacy gift to CRC so that we may welcome you into the Long River Society.
Have you already made a gift to CRC in your will? Please fill out this form to let us know. We would like to say thank you and need to keep our records up-to-date!